
See Google Scholar for complete list of publications.

  1. Efficient AAV-mediated in vivo prime editing in multiple organs.

    Davis, J. R.*; Banskota, S.*; Levy, J. M.; Newby, G. A.; Wang, X.; Anzalone, A. V.; Nelson, A. T.; Chen, P. J.; Hennes, A. D.; An, M.; Roh, H.; Randolph, P. B.; Musunuru, K.; Liu, D. R.

    Nature Biotechnology, 2023. (See Research highlights here: Gen Magazine)

  2. Phage-assisted evolution and protein engineering yield compact, efficient prime editors.

    Doman, J.*; Pandey, S.*; Neugebauer, M.E.; An, M.; Davis, J.R.; Randolph, P.B.; McElroy, A.; Gao, X.D.; Raguram, A.; Richter, M.F.; Everette, K.A.; Banskota, S.; Tian, K.; Tao, A.Y.; Tolar, J.; Osborn, M.J.; Liu, D.R.

    Cell, 2023.

  3. Engineered Virus-Like Particles for Efficient In Vivo Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins.

    Banskota, S.*, Raguram, A.*, Suh, S., Du, S.W.; Davis, J.R.; Choi, E.H. Wang, X.; Nielsen, S.C.; Newby, G.A.; Randolph, P.B.; Osborn, M.J.; Musunuru, K.; Palczewski, K.; Liu, D. R. 

    Cell, 2022. (See Research highlights here: Nature, Science, Gen Magazine)

  4. Therapeutic in vivo delivery of gene editing agents.

    Raguram, A.*; Banskota, S.*; Liu, D.R.

    Cell, 2022.

  5. Evolution of an adenine base editor into a small, efficient cytosine base editor with low off-target activity.

    Neugebauer, M.E., Hsu, A., Arbab, M.; Krasnow, N.A.; Pandey, S; Doman, J.L.; McElroy, A. N.; Huang, T.P.; Raguram, A.; Banskota, S.; Newby, G.A.; Tolar, J.; Osborn, M.J.; Liu, D. R.

    Nature Biotechnology, 2022.

  6. Brachytherapy via a depot of biopolymer-bound 131I synergizes with nanoparticle paclitaxel in therapy-resistant pancreatic tumours.

    Schaal, J.L.; Bhattacharyya, J.; Brownstein, J.; Strickland, K.C.; Kelly, G.; Saha, S.; Milligan, J.; Banskota, S.; Li, X.; Liu, W.; Kirsch, D.G.; Zalutsky, M.R.; Chilkoti, A.

    Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2022.

  7. Efficient in vivo base editing via single adeno-associated viruses with size-optimized genomes encoding compact adenine base editors.

    Davis J.R.; Wang, X.; Witte, I.P.; Huang, T.P.; Levy, J.M.; Raguram, A.; Banskota, S.; Seidah, N.G.; Musunuru, K.; Liu, D.R.

    Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2022.

  8. Genetically Engineered Nanoparticles of Asymmetric Triblock Polypeptide with a Platinum (IV) Cargo Outperforms a Platinum (II) Analog and Free Drug in a Murine Cancer Model.

    Saha, S.; Banskota, S.; Liu, J.; Zakharov, N.; Dzuricky, M.; Li, X.; Fan, P.; Deshpande, S.; Spasojevic, I.; Sharma, K.; Borgnia, M.J.; Schaal, J.L.; Raman, A.; Kim, S.; Bhattacharyya, J.; Chilkoti A.

    Nano Letters, 2022.

  9. In vivo base editing rescues cone photoreceptors in a mouse model of early-onset inherited retinal degeneration.

    Choi, E. H.*; Suh, S.; Foik, A. T.; Leinonen, H.; Newby, G. A.; Gao, X. D.; Banskota, S.; Hoang, T.; Du, S.; Dong Z.; Raguram, A.; Kohli, S.; Blackshaw, S.; Lyon, D. C.; Liu, D. R.; Palczewski, K.

    Nature Communications, 2022.

  10. Genetically Encoded Stealth Nanoparticles of a Zwitterionic Polypeptide-Paclitaxel Conjugate Have a Wider Therapeutic Window than Abraxane in Multiple Tumor Models.

    Banskota, S.; Saha, S.; Bhattacharya.; J.; Kirmani, N.; Yousefpour, P.; Dzuricky, M.; Zakharov, N.; Li, X.; Spasojevic, I.; Young, K.; Chilkoti, A.

    Nano Letters, 2020.

  11. Engineering the architecture of Elastin-Like Polypeptides: From unimers to hierarchical self-assembly.

    Saha, S.*; Banskota, S.*; Roberts, S.; Kirmani, N.; Chilkoti, A.

    Advance Therapeutics, 2020.

  12. Long circulating genetically encoded intrinsically disordered zwitterionic polypeptides for drug delivery.

    Banskota, S.; Yousefpour, P.; Kirmani, N.; Li, X.; Chilkoti, A. 

    Biomaterials, 2019.

  13. One-week glucose control via zero-order release kinetics from an injectable depot of glucagon-like peptide-1 fused to a thermosensitive biopolymer.

    Luginbuhl, K.M.; Schaal, J.L.; Umstead, B.; Mastria, E.M.; Li, X.; Banskota, S.; Arnold, S.; Feinglos, M.; D’Alessio, D.; Chilkoti, A. 

    Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2017.

  14. Exosomes as Mediators of Platinum Resistance in Ovarian Cancer. 

    Crow, J.; Atay, S.; Banskota, S.; Artale, B.; Schmitt, S.; Godwin, A.K.

    Oncotarget, 2017.

  15. Cell-Based Biohybrid Drug Delivery Systems: The Best of the Synthetic and Natural Worlds.

    Banskota, S.*; Yousefpour, P.*; Chilkoti, A.

    Macromolecular Bioscience, 2016.

  16. Oncogenic KIT-containing exosomes increase gastrointestinal stromal tumor cell invasion.

    Atay, S.; Banskota, S.; Crow, J.; Sethi, G.; Rink, L.; Godwin, A.K.

    PNAS, 2014.

    * denotes equal first co-authorship