June 2024: Congratulations to Chris on passing his qualifying exam!

Our talk at ASGCT 2024 was featured in the news.

May 2024: Many exciting news!

Mira and Mingshan join the lab as undergraduate researchers. Mira is awarded the Stem Pathways Fellowship. Congratulations!

Yuanhang joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome!

Feb 2024: Chris joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome!

Jan 2024: Jacob joins the group. Welcome!

The Banskota Lab officially opens in Jan 2024!


Samagya was invited to present at WashU’s Department of Genetics Seminar

Samagya presents on delivery technologies for genome editors at the CRISPR Technologies conference

Dual AAV system for prime editor delivery is published!

Samagya is named MIT 35 Under 35: Biotechnology and Medicine

Coverage of engineered virus-like particles (eVLP) delivery work